Why our blog is so empty so far…

Here’s a bad English version of the text, too. You’re welcome 😉
Now butter at the fish, – why isn’t there anything on the blog?! We read a lot of blogs and got ideas before planning and starting the bicycle trip. So soaking up information is one thing, producing content yourself the next step. And here comes the time factor. Often we read: a year or more in advance, the bicycle world trip is meticulously prepared with all official duties and writing, with careful equipment selection and physical training and of course by accumulating immense sums of money for cycling and travel. Around November, we started to take a bit more serious about the planning of our bike trip … and soon reached the limits when creating the website. November … means half a year before the scheduled start … – the preparation can not take thaaat long, right? Everything still feels feasible. Before that, you’re just heading off to a 2 to 3-week cycling trip. But slowly it dawns: Here must be planned more precisely. It does matter if this or that is a bit heavier. It’s not all the time hot summer and nice weather all the time. It is not easy to get everything everywhere during the journey. It is a big job to bring to light all eventualities and to weigh carefully what is allowed go on the trip, and if so, how much or many and if not, where does it come from when needed during the trip?
So far so good. We now have a really tight final spurt. On the agenda are: office errands, a thousand phone calls, final vaccinations, bike building, completing the equipment, bring our home to the man / woman, do not sink into moving boxes, say goodbye and come down a bit to adjust mentally to a long moving time. Ok, delete the last one. No way.


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